Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It's been a while not to write here haha.

but now, aku mau cerita tentang...mmmm *mikir* okelah!
tentang beasiswa yang aku dapetin hihihi ^^

sebenernya aku udah tau beasiswa ini, udah dari jaman SMA, since my sister already got this scholarship, so I know lah ttg beasiswa ini meskipun dikit-dikit wakakak. btw, ini beasiswa apaan sih kok rasanya aku seneng banget ya gak? jadi ceritanya ini beasiswa joint degree sama Faculty of Dentistrynya Hiroshima University. biasanya pertanyaan teman-teman itu tentang, aku list ke bawah aja yak oke?

1. Q: Kok bisa dapet scholarshipnya?
     A: Jadi ini ada kerjasama u to u (university to university) antara fakultas kedokteran gigi Unair, sama Hiroshima University
2. Q: Itu double degree?"
    A : Bukan, ini bukan double degree guys, tapi joint degree, jadi aku ngelanjutin S1 aku di Jepang, tapi buat KKN dan beberapa mata kuliah yang di sananya nggak ada, tapi di sini ada aku kudu ngambil di sini gitu
3. Q: Berapa lama?
    A: well, berhubung ini ngelanjutin S1 di sana, jadi ya kind of lama sih, 4 tahun, tapi itu bakal worth it kok sama apa yang kita dapet nantinya.
4. Q: Tesnya apa aja?
    A: tesnya nggak terlalu susah kok, tes psikotest, IPK sampe semester 2, > 3,5, tes TOEFL, tes kesehatan, sama wawancara.
5. Q: Berangkat kapan?
    A: Well buat pertanyaan ini sejujurnya aku nggak bisa jawab, pokoknya tgl 1 Oktober sudah harus di sana wakakakak
*mikir* well, apa lagi yaak? .-.

ah! udah deh ini dulu, kalo ada pertanyaan lagi ntar diposting lagi aja ^^

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Memories.

h-2 before a "anak rantau" again.

my 3 months vacation almost ended. need more vacation dearr! hiks

3 months that have canged my life. from a senior high school student to college student.
bye my dear lovely senior high school, thanks for all, memories, experiences, lesson, and many more.
will miss all of them :3

All events in SMAN 5 Surabaya

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ou ou

(manggil nama) "asli surabaya?"
"iya mbak"
"mantan SMA mana mas?"
"masih dianggep SMA ta kalian ini orang tinggal 2 menit aja"

wah wah sudah dibilang bukan anak SMA ini gimana dong, hahaha. 
bismillah, semoga mendapat hasil yang terbaik, Amin.


remembering that day. we talked about ourself, our likes, our dislikes, our interests.

when i wanna ask someone to open up their true feeling, suddenly, i talk to my self. "is it okay if you talk like that? can you do it yourself? well you same like them, can you really do it to yourself? rethink that! you can't do that. is it fair to them when you ask them like that but you can't do it?"

that's make me rethink about what i wanna talk about, and in the end, i can't talk it. everyone has their own way to make their feeling comfort.... and so do I. so, i just don't want to give pressure to others, but I just want to say, 

"i don't want to give a pressure to you, but I'll be here when you need someone to hear you (smile)."

Friday, March 22, 2013

SHS Almost Over

this last year of senior high school almost end guysou, (crying).
we have our own dream, and have our own way.
byeee, guys!
will exactly miss you, guys LaserOrSniperOrWhatever

Everything is really really awesome this whole time, thank guys, you're the best!
(trying to smile)

Sniper, Laser, Or.. Whatever!: Olahraga!

Sniper, Laser, Or.. Whatever!: Olahraga!: Kami tetaplah kami. Tapi perubahan itu abadi. Tapi Uti tetep ecchi obasaan.   Rizqy Rahmatyah Tetep ganjen. Dan Bapak tetep the gondes o...

Sunday, November 25, 2012


after one busy week with examination. surely i need day off! can i have it? that question will always follow what i want.. ARGGGHHHH!

Honestly, i really really really reallly really need a day off. my body doesn't fit as usual. but...... can i? with all examination which will hold this week? oh noooo!!!  I really need a day off. a day that i have nothing to do, a day that i don't have to think about all duties i have. i need a day which i can lay on my bed, relax all part of my body, and absolutely relax my mind from thinking about all things for school.

aaaahhhh, really really really i need a day off! T.T